Friday 6 May 2011

Bayi Baru Lahir Bergigi Besar Satu

Subhanallah. Seorang bayi di Croatia telah dilahirkan dengan sebiji gigi besar dalam mulutnya. Maksud gigi besar adalah seperti gigi seorang dewasa. Tapi sebiji je. Tak banyak pun. Sila lihat kat gambar di bawah ini. Baru korang dapat menggambarkan bagaimana dikatakan gigi besar dalam bayi yang baru lahir. Tapi masih lagi luar biasa kan. Maha Suci Allah, Allah berkuasa terhadap sesuatu dan berkuasa untuk berbuat apa sahaja. Dalam surah Yasin, “kun fayakun”, bila-bila masa Allah nak, “Jadilah ia”…Semoga berita ini dapat menambahkan iman kita. InsyaAllah.
Most of us get ours first teeth few months after we are born but this little girl from Vuglovac in Croatia was born with a giant tooth. Ema Eronic, a little baby from Vuglovac near Ivanac in Croatia has became a true medical wonder after doctors found that she was born with already grown tooth. The doctor who performed an operation of tooth removal shortly after baby’s birth said that this was the first such case in his 20-years long career.
He claims he newer saw something similar although this phenomenon is well known to him. The tooth was removed because it was potentially dangerous for baby’s health. Doctors decided to remove it because tooth was pretty unstable and could easily slip into baby’s throat which eventually could have fatal consequences. Ema’s mother is happy the tooth is removed and at the same time she says she is a little bit excited because her daughter became pretty famous in local media.

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